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Director Of Professional Learning

Leadership Edge is one of our primary consultants. Dr. Skanes' experience as a leader and educator provides the perspective and a personal touch that our participants are looking for. She is well versed in MTSS practices, SEL, and staff-care. Leadership Edge is a pleasure to work with, and I know after every session, people always reach back out for additional support and want us to schedule her again! Thank you, Dr. Skanes, for your continued support of leaders, educators, and students in our region!

Assistant Principal
Public Schools

Dr. Skanes has worked with East High School to completely remake MTSS in our high school to serve the whole student and ensure that MTSS starts in the classroom. She has led the whole staff PD, Academy Level PD, and guided our Core MTSS Team to create a MTSS handbook by which the building operates. Dr. Skanes has a passion for ensuring that true interventions are occurring, and through her training, our Freshman Academy has not only been able to surpass the district's Freshman on Track Goal, but we have passed it by 6%. In addition, our staff continually remarks that she leads "the best PD they have ever attended," due to the positive relationships she builds.

Executive Director
Olympics Chicago/
Special Children's Charities

In 2022, Special Olympics Chicago/Special Children’s Charities contracted with Leadership EDGE to administer an Art and Music Therapy Program for students with intellectual disabilities in the Chicago Public Schools’ cluster programs. Dr. Skanes provides an expertly crafted,  comprehensive strategy for launching and executing this multi-year, grant-funded program, which currently services over 1,000 students. She recruited more than 50 schools, and currently works with therapy providers to ensure that schools are being equitably serviced.  Her ongoing advice and suggestions for change are based on her experience, insight and thoughtful analysis of collected data. Dr. Skanes’ years of being an administrator and her ability to access her network of education professionals was instrumental in making this program a success.  Thank you, Leadership EDGE!

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